My services.

  • IT Consultation.

    Whether you’re a small business, non-profit or someone that needs help with their home wifi, IT consultations are designed to hear about your issue(s) and provide resolution(s). Consults can occur in person or in a virtual setting. This service is offered as a contract or a one time consultation. Prices may vary.

  • Workshops.

    Often there are groups of people that face the same issue, this service aims to help you tackle your IT issues either with your team, a small group or a larger event. Topics covered include but are not limited to: how to secure your digital accounts, security trainings, PGP encryption 101, Gmail / Email assistance, home network support, device selection & repairs.

  • Drone footage.

    I offer photography drone services, aerial photography. Additionally, I can be contracted for photography services in the field of construction topology & real estate. I am P107 licensed.

  • Personal Life Management.

    This is the more experimental service that I offer. In this digital age, there are so many services, scams and pitfalls that we can land on. My goal is to help my clients declutter their digital, financial life by cultivating a plan that will help you cut through all the crap life throws at you. Why? Because we are all a work in progress.